Blister at Site of Tick Bite: Should You Be Worried?
Posted in: WildlifeIn addition to Lyme disease, ticks can transmit numerous other diseases. The first symptom of these diseases is usually changes to the skin. So, it’s normal to be freaked out
In addition to Lyme disease, ticks can transmit numerous other diseases. The first symptom of these diseases is usually changes to the skin. So, it’s normal to be freaked out
Lyme disease can cause some nasty long term damage if it isn’t treated quickly, so it’s really important to take any early symptoms of Lyme disease seriously. The most notorious
It’s bad enough to get a tick bite. Not only is it gross to have a parasite feeding off you, but you’ve also got to vigilantly pay attention to the
According to the CDC, the best way to remove a tick once it’s bitten is with fine-pointed tweezers. The pointy tip allows you to grasp a tick close to its
I’ve had a lot of ticks bite me over the years. You’d think I’d be used to it by now, but it still grosses me out to find a tick
I recently got Lyme disease for the first time. Luckily, I was able to catch it early and, other than a few days of extreme fatigue, I am doing fine.
If you are having issues with ticks in your yard and don’t want to douse it in chemical sprays, an alternative is to use tick tubes. Here’s how tick tubes
Studies actually have shown that certain essential oils can repel ticks naturally. However, it’s important to be realistic about how effective essential oils are against ticks. This article will delve
Due to global warming, tick habitat range has drastically increased and tick season is much longer. So, it’s no surprise that tick-borne diseases like Lyme are on the rise. Parts
While there are some natural ways to keep ticks off of you, permethrin is the only reliable and effective way to prevent tick bites. Considering that ticks can transmit over
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